REQUEST FOR RESOURCES FORMS FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW OR DOWNLOAD THE FORM AND EMAIL/MAIL IT IN: Download a PDF Are you a member of the Great Falls Chapeter SCI?*YesNoProject TitleUse a descriptive name that helps identify the area such as a locally recognized natural feature (e.g. Tiger Butte Hunter Access Project, etc.)Project TypeConservation Easement, Acquisition, Access Project, Habitat Project, Water Development, Shooting Sports, Education, etc.Project Synopsis/Goals/ObjectivesDescribe the project and what you hope to accomplish, including pictures and/or maps if applicable. Is this a short term or long-term project?Project BenefitsDescribe benefits of the project from wildlife, habitat, educational and/or humanitarian perspective. Examples: a) Benefits to wildlife, include any threatened or sensitive species b) Benefits to natural resources c) Benefits to people and your community(s) d) Benefits to SCI and your organization, including recognition to bothProject StrategiesList specific actions which will be taken to achieve the project goals and objectives.Project LocationGeographic location (e.g. FWP Region 4, Lewistown, Snowy Mountains)Land OwnershipPlease indicate land ownership pattern and percentages on project area (e.g. USFS, BLM, FWP, DNRC, Private or combination).Size of Treatment or Project AreaList actual acres affected by the project and number of acres potentially open to public recreational access (if applicable).SCI FundsList amount of funds requested from Great Falls Chapter SCI. Break out request by project type in order for us to evaluate cost of each. Requests for multi-year funding should show annual amounts rather than total.Use of SCI FundsSCI contributes toward projects that extend an agency’s/organization’s ability to implement habitat enhancement, wildlife management or conservation education and humanitarian projects. It is not SCI’s desire to replace agency/organization maintenance and operations budgets. SCI policy requires its grant funds be used exclusively for actual "on the ground" expenses incurred during project completion. SCI policy strictly prohibits the use of its funds for administrative, overhead or indirect costs. Routine agency/organization operations are not eligible for funding. Salaries: Salaries for permanent employees will not be considered for funding. Other costs of aides, contractor and/or graduate student stipends may be considered for funding. Equipment: SCI does not fund capital facility or capital equipment items. Equipment purchases have been primarily limited to items such as radio collars, telemetry receivers, antennas, archery equipment, shooting sports equipment for shooting ranges, etc. Planning and inventory: SCI views these as agency responsibilities. Once the planning, inventory and mapping are completed, identified projects can be submitted for project funding consideration.Partners/Matching/Contributor FundsList wildlife or land management agency(s) or private individuals (other than your own agency personnel) consulted/communicated with when developing the project or proposal. Coordination with other agencies and/or conservation organizations should occur prior to project submission. List all matching funds and their source. Example: USFS $2,000; BLM $1,500; Mule Deer Foundation $1,200.Total Project CostShould include SCI and all matching/partner funds.Project Work ScheduleList month and year when project is expected to be initiated and when expected to be completed.Project MonitoringIdentify what monitoring techniques will be used to assess and quantify the project as related to the objectives. What criteria will you use to evaluate the project’s success? Include both short term and long-term monitoring, what monitoring feedback will you provide to SCI?Additional CommentsAny additional information you feel would be helpful in evaluation of the proposed project.Submitted ByIdentify the project lead. This should be the individual most familiar with the project that can address project inquiries and is responsible for submitting a follow up completion report if necessary. Include agency, title, name, address, phone number and email.Email If you would like to schedule to attend a Great Falls Chapter SCI Board Meeting or have further questions, please contact the current president or secretary. President: Brad Lencioni (406) 736-5678 or (406) 899-7778 Secretary: Colleen Berlinger (406) 761-6211 Thank you for considering SCI as a partner on your project.